Everyone wants to be productive.
Don't they? And if you don't, then you need to get yourself checked out. There are probably millions of articles about productivity already and way more extensive but I thought I'd share my two cents.
Bottom line is, being productive is tough. Unless you achieve that momentum and you're in a flow state, most of the time you're going to be forcing yourself to be productive. So how do you get that momentum? Or atleast try your best to.
When it comes to being productive and avoiding procrastination, there are 3 main things I find you need to make sure to incorporate in your workflow.
1. Tasks and Deliverables
Create a todo list. Yes, it's that simple sometimes. You won't believe it until you try it. Creating a list forces you to organize whatever you need to get done into concise, deliverable tasks. Then it forces you to work on these tasks one by one instead of multitasking and eventually being overwhelmed and never completely done with any of them.
So the only way to get done with your work is to have clear, short term goals written down. Additionally, the satisfaction that comes with achieving a task and ticking that checkbox is the fuel that helps create that momentum which leads to eagerness to complete more tasks.
2. Eliminate Distractions.
In a time where the whole world can be reached with a swipe, it can be very tough to get anything done. Productivity thrives when there are no distractions to stop it and your phone (specifically social media) is the biggest distraction there is. Don't just turn off your phone. Put it physically away from you.
We often reach for our phones not because we want a break, but because we're escaping work. Putting it away from you helps you become conscious of the amount of times you mindlessly grab it and trust me, it's not good. You'll get so much more done once there's nothing to grab.
3. Time Blocking
Time blocking is dividing your day into 30-90 minute blocks, each assigned a certain task whether it's work or taking a break. It is a way to effectively break your day into bite size blocks and know exactly what you have to do so you're not overwhelmed by an open-ended todo list.
If you don't control your schedule, it will control you. Planning out your day in advance is very important to getting things done. It is also important for taking sufficient breaks as time blocking allows you to set longer, uninterrupted breaks.
I'm in a constant battle towards productivity. And when I notice that I'm losing that battle, it is always because I stopped implementing these tips into my workflow. So get off this blog if you were procrastinating by reading this and go work on your productivity.
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